9 Things To Avoid Before Practicing Reiki

Reiki is a beautiful form of energy healing and you will get benefits from a session no matter what

But there are some things you can avoid to increase those benefits

9 Things that you can avoid are:

  1. Severe anxious moments
  2. Getting too attached to your desired outcome and timetable
  3. A lot of caffeine
  4. Too much alcohol
  5. Foods and drinks with a lot of sugar
  6. A lot of food right before the session
  7. Using an uncomfortable environment
  8. Tight or uncomfortable clothing
  9. Keeping electronic notifications on

Not everyone will have to follow each of these, but they can make a difference for you when practicing on yourself, and if you receive Reiki from someone else

They don’t make it or break it but try to be mindful if you have the time before your session

Severe anxious moments

This is the hardest one on the list for me 

If you are unsettled and anxious, you will have a hard time with Reiki

Definitely don’t give Reiki to someone else if you are severely stressed and anxious

If you want a Reiki session while anxious, you can receive it from someone else or ground yourself before doing it to yourself

There are many ways you can ground yourself including:

  • Walking barefoot on natural ground
  • Listening to a grounding sound
  • Meditate
  • Deep breathing
  • Taking a walk
  • Listening to music
  • And more

Whatever works for you, just make sure you are grounded before starting your Reiki session

Getting too attached to your desired outcome and timetable

Yes, we are asking for something and manifesting something when we do Reiki, but it is important to let go before ending the session

Sometimes things will not go exactly how you planned

But sometimes you end up with a better outcome

If you get too attached to something, it can be easy to miss the blessings that you got instead

Ask and believe that you will receive, then let it go before ending the Reiki session

A lot of caffeine

Caffeine is a necessity for a lot of people, but it can affect the way energy flows through you and can reduce your ability to relax or focus

You don’t have to completely cut out coffee or other caffeinated drinks, but try to reduce them before Reiki

If you are giving Reiki to yourself, just do your session before your morning coffee!

You get the coffee that you want without it affecting your Reiki session

It is the best of both worlds!

Too much alcohol

Alcohol doesn’t affect how well Reiki works, but it can affect how clear your mind is and the decisions that you make

It is also a lower vibration which doesn’t help when you are trying to raise your vibration during Reiki

Alcohol can also affect how the energies work in you

Just like caffeine, the energy will flow differently and change how the Reiki works for you

Foods and drinks with a lot of sugar

Sugar has a lot of effects on the body

It is addicting just like a drug, but it is in a lot of our foods

Sugars in fruits are different 

The white sugar in desserts and drinks should be avoided to improve how you react to Reiki

Once again, it affects how your energies work

High-sugary foods and drinks will spike your blood sugar and create imbalances in your body

And those imbalances can really affect how you do Reiki

A lot of food right before the session

It is important to eat a couple of hours before your session, but try not to eat a lot of food right before you start your Reiki session

Overeating can affect your energy levels, focus, comfort, and more

Think about holidays when you eat a lot

Do you feel good right after you eat a lot?

Probably not

I know that I don’t

So many sure that you eat a drink a couple of hours before

But don’t overdo it

Using an uncomfortable environment

Reiki requires a lot of focus and relaxation

If you are in an uncomfortable environment, that will be very difficult

Uncomfortable environments couple be:

  • An uncomfortable chair
  • A house you don’t feel safe in 
  • Out in public
  • Anywhere that isn’t relaxing

This is why the first few Reiki sessions you get from someone else can be hard

If you are feeling nervous and uncomfortable with a practitioner, reaching relaxation can be hard

Try to get somewhere you can feel safe and comfortable before starting your Reiki session

Tight or uncomfortable clothing

I like tight clothing, but some people don’t 

Avoid wearing anything that is uncomfortable or irritating

You want to be relaxed and focused

That is really hard when you are struggling to move or if your sweater is itchy

Wear something that makes you feel comfortable and happy

That is going to look a little different for everyone so just do what is right for you

Keeping electronic notifications on

Focus is really important for Reiki

And few things are more distracting than notifications on our electronics

Make sure you turn those notifications off before starting your Reiki session

Even if you just put your phone on silent for a few minutes

I know it can be tempting to leave it on just in case you get something important

But Reiki sessions are not super long

It can wait

But it is really hard to refocus once your focus is ripping away from Reiki and goes to electronics

Trust me, it is worth just creating a silent and notification-free environment

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