9 Shadow Work Exercises To Try In Your Daily Life

Shadow work is an uncomfortable process that brings a lot of freedom at the end

If you are willing to work through the discomfort, and sometimes pain, of Shadow work, then you will experience a peace and freedom that is incredible

Shadow work is learning about, healing, and embracing the darkest parts of you

You can do this by:

  1. Journaling
  2. Visualization
  3. Reflection of self
  4. Reflection of environment
  5. Emotional Release
  6. Meditation
  7. Doing something you want to do that you pushed away
  8. Looking at your aura
  9. Therapy

Each one has its place and purpose

You may not need all of them, but they are valuable

Whatever you decide to practice in your daily life, be ready to follow up with self-care

I will not sugarcoat this

Shadow work is hard and it is emotional

Some things are easier than others, so start with the easier parts of your shadow

But you need some light and care after shadow work

It doesn’t matter what kind of self-care

But please do something kind for yourself after shadow work every time


Journaling is the most common form of Shadow work

It helps you dig into your subconscious mind and find the things that are hidden there

Some people can do thing freestyle, but I find using journal prompts are more effective for me so I know what to write about

You can find journal prompts everywhere

They are in Facebook groups, TikTok, Pinterest, and more

Look for journaling prompts that feel right

Maybe you’ll feel a small ache in your heart when you read them

Write them down or save them for when you are ready for your Shadow work

When you are ready, take your journal and write the prompt you want to use in it

Then just sit with that question for a while

Once the thoughts are flowing, write everything down

Doesn’t matter if it repeats

Write it all down

Keep going until your mind goes clear

Some prompts will go faster than others

It is important not to restrict or judge any thoughts

Don’t gatekeep them before writing them down


Once you have done this for a while, you can look back and find negative patterns

Those patterns are things you need to address because they are affecting your life without you knowing it


Visualization is powerful

With this, you are giving a past self whatever they needed to heal

Sit down comfortably with an empty seat in front of you

Think of the past self that was hurt or neglected that you want to help

Imagine them sitting on that seat in front of you

Imagine every detail that you can

Listen to them

Talk to them

Give them love and compassion

And give them something they need to start healing

That could be telling them that they are forgiven, or that it wasn’t their fault

What did you need back then?

Give it to them now

Your subconscious cannot tell the difference between reality and visualization

So your brain will think that you actually got that thing you needed and it will begin to heal

Reflection of self

Reflection is really important in Shadow work

Think about your reactions

What makes you angry?


Reflect and think about what is taking your peace from you

Hint: no one can take your peace. You have to give it up

Find what triggers you in your daily life and start working on letting those go

Reflection of environment

Reflection of the environment is similar to the reflection of self

I had a family member that was very cruel

He actively made it hard to deal with him and hurt my peace and energy levels

I had to reflect if having him in my life was worth it

And it wasn’t

Look at the people around you and the things you are involved in

Does it add to your light and peace?

Or does it add to your shadow?

Emotional Release

Sometimes we spend so long bottling up our emotions that we feel like we are going to explode

Instead of exploding at random, do emotional releases

This could be screaming into a pillow or it could be sitting on the bathroom floor and crying for a while

Whatever you need to release those emotions that are eating away at you

Give yourself permission to dump the bottle out before it explodes


Meditation is a great way to sit with yourself for a while

Meditate on how you feel and what is going on 

You can release emotions here too

This is your chance to sit and reclaim your peace

You can use meditation alongside any other method, and it will only make it better

Doing something you want to do that you pushed away

We all have things that we have wanted to do but it felt silly or bad

Do those things!

Unless it hurts yourself or others

Don’t worry about what others have to say or if you feel silly

When you exile desires, they become part of your shadow

That part hurts your confidence and makes you want to play everything safe

Let the fear go and go do the thing!

Looking at your aura

Auras are a great way to see what energy you are giving off

But it takes practice!

There are some great YouTube videos on seeing auras and how to see your own aura in the mirror

If this is something that interests you, check out some of those videos!


Therapy is always an option if you are scared to do this alone

A good therapist can guide you and help you as you heal

Just make sure you choose one that aligns with your goals

If you don’t want medication, make sure your therapist isn’t someone that will push that unnecessarily 

They need to be on the same page as you and there to help you

Not to make more money off you

So be picky and trust your instinct

If someone makes you uncomfortable, find someone else

I highly discourage you from using a family or friend

You want to be careful who you show this dark and vulnerable side to

As someone who has been blindsided by trusting a friend and a family member that betrayed me, please be careful

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