9 Reiki Exercises To Help You Learn and Practice Reiki

We know that you need to have a teacher to learn Reiki, but you also need a lot of practice

There are a few different ways to practice, and I recommend doing a mix as long as you have learned the concept

For example, if you are in Reiki 1, you don’t need to practice symbols because you haven’t learned them yet

The 9 Reiki exercises that I use to practice are:

  1. Energy ball
  2. Hand exercise
  3. Practice drawing Symbols
  4. Visualization practice
  5. Trusting intuition
  6. Sending loving energy to others
  7. Meditate with Reiki principles
  8. Deep breathing and meditation
  9. Morning and night routines

You can do most of these while you are at any Reiki level, and I recommend doing as many as you can as often as you can

Energy ball

Evergy balls are one of the most well know Reiki exercises for beginners

An energy ball is often one of the first experiences that people have while working with energy

To do this, go to a place that allows you to focus

I tried doing it with my kids in the beginning, but I was not able to focus enough to get any results

Once you are able to concentrate, sit down in a comfortable place and start rubbing your hands together

Keep rubbing them together until you can obviously feel the heat building

Then pull your hands apart slowly while cupping your hands like you are holding a ball

You might feel tingling, heat, pulling, or nothing

There is no right feeling and you’ll get more sensitive to the feelings with time

From here, you can pull your hands away slightly and push them together

You can play with that energy ball a little

When you are ready to stop, think about something good that you want inside that energy and give it to someone

You can throw it at your pets, children, or put it in yourself

If you have a headache, you can think of pain relief and then put the energy ball into your head

This is a simple way to get started

Don’t get frustrated if you don’t feel anything for a while

All good things come with practice

Hand exercise

The hand exercise is a Reiki 1 exercise

It is very similar to the energy ball, but it has more visualization and a couple more steps

To do this, sit somewhere comfortable with your palms up

Being able to focus is important for this too

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths

Visualize a white light waterfall coming from above you and surrounding you

It is warm, peaceful, and calming

Then visualize white light coming from your left palm

It could look like spirals, starts, or anything that feels right

That light grows and starts to surround you

Look at your right hand in your mind’s eye

Light starts to come from that palm too just like the left side

Now gently rub your hands together and pull them apart slightly

You can feel resistance, like something is in your hands, tingling, or heat

Or you may feel nothing 

Every experience is ok and valid

Play with the energy in your hands for a while

Then compress it into a ball

Think about what intentions you want for this energy

Do you want to add confidence? Pain relief? Peace?

Imagine putting those things into your energy and then push it into your heart

Practice drawing Symbols

Once you are in Reiki 2, you will start learning symbols

This requires some memorization so practicing the symbols could be helpful

You can practice in your daily Reiki practices, or you can draw them over and over to help with memorization

It is helpful to memorize the symbol, name, and uses

You will likely start with learning 3-5 symbols

So it won’t be super overwhelming

But practicing and memorizing them as you learn them prevents overwhelm later

Visualization practice

Visualization is a skill

It is hard to completely focus on one thing and to build detailed images in your mind

The good thing about visualization being a skill is that you can practice

Note: People with Aphantasia are unable to visualize images in their mind. If that is you, do the best you can. Try talking yourself through it out loud or test out other options

The easiest way to practice visualization is to sit down somewhere comfortable and try to play a memory in your mind like a movie

Think about as many details as you can and play it in your mind

Doing it this way helps you with focus and keeps your attention because it is very personal to you

I highly recommend using a very happy memory

Trusting intuition

Your gut feeling is your intuition

You can practice Reiki by learning to listen to your intuition and trusting it

We get so used to ignoring it and pushing it away that we struggle to understand it in the future

Practice paying attention and respecting it

Your intuition is a powerful and close friend

Sending loving energy to others

There are different ways of sending loving energy to others

You can do it through hugs

Hug someone (or yourself) and think about what you want to give them

I love doing this

When someone is hurting and upset, I give them a huge and visualize myself giving them peace

I can feel them relax in my arms when I do this and I am often told that I give the best hugs

But you don’t have to touch people to do this

You can practice living at a higher frequency so the people around you get that loving energy just by being around you

Meditate with Reiki principles

The five Reiki principles are simple but hard to follow

Meditating with them and using them as mantras and affirmations can help a lot when you are trying to change your life

The five principles are:

  • Do not worry
  • Do not be angry
  • Be grateful
  • Work diligently
  • Love every living thing

This doesn’t mean that you never feel worry or anger

But you don’t live your life by them

To learn more about these principles, read my article on them

Deep breathing and meditation

Life can get overwhelming

Deep breathing and meditation are excellent tools to bring you back to a high vibration

Or to help prevent the overwhelm in the first place

When my kids are having a bad moment or getting overwhelmed, the first thing we practice is our deep breathing

Once you are regulated, we can talk about what happened and find a solution

The same works for you

Meditation can also help you sleep better

Meditating calms your mind and allows it to rest

Morning and night routines

Morning and night routines are my favorite

They are customizable with the exercises above, but you do them every morning and every night instead of as needed throughout the day

Starting your day with Reiki helps start your day off right

It allows you to choose your intention for the day

Think about the days when it felt like you were chasing your tail all-day

Then remember the morning

Most likely, those tough days started on the wrong foot and never recovered

Night routines help you put the day and the chaos to bed before going to sleep

You can heal yourself and reset yourself before lying down to sleep

If you are like me, you may have trouble falling asleep too because of the millions of thoughts going through your mind

A Reiki night routine will calm those thoughts so you can fall asleep easier as well

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