7 Benefits Of Drinking Your Moon Water

Drink moon water

Moon water was the very first thing I learned as a new witch

But I didn’t have a clear idea of what I was supposed to do once I made it

Yes I know that I could drink it, but it didn’t feel like it was worth the effort at that point

Until I learned more about what moon water does and how amazing it was for our bodies

Now I add it to my drinking schedule every month

Of course, many benefits of moon water come from just drinking the water

But there are more!

Moon water has a very calming energy so drinking it can help with anxiety, it can increase your energy, balance your hormones, clear up your skin, help your mental health, regulate mental cycles, increase fertility, and encourage more water intake

What is moon water?

Moon water is water that has absorbed the moon’s energy during the full moon without getting any (or very little) of the sun’s energy

You can add more to your moon water with your intentions, herbs, crystals, and runes

But the bare bones of moon water is water that is filled with the moon’s energy by being outside all night during the full moon

Each full moon has different energies because of the planets so you can make your moon water even better by connecting the planet locations with your intentions

In addition to absorbing the moon’s energy, the water also absorbs the stillness of the night

If you want to know more about moon water, read my article on what moon water is

Remember to use drinking water to make your moon water if you plan to drink it for the benefits that are coming next

Benefits of drinking moon water

There are many benefits to drinking moon water and absorbing the moon’s energy

7 of my favorite benefits are:

  1. It has very calming properties
  2. It encourages you to be mindful of drinking water
  3. Can increase your energy
  4. Can help balance hormones
  5. It is great for your skin
  6. It can help your mental health
  7. It may help with your menstrual cycles

Remember that your energy has to align with the energy of your spell

If you create and drink moon water fully believing that it won’t work

Then it probably won’t

Either do it fully believing in yourself and what you are doing

Or do it with neutral energy

It has very calming properties

When you create moon water, your water absorbs the moon’s calming energy and the calm energy of the night

When you take your moon water in before the sun comes, that fragile energy stays in the water

Drinking moon water transfers that calmness from your moon water to your body

It can calm your nerves during a stressful day, aid in your fight against anxiety, or help you get started when you are beginning to meditate

It encourages you to be mindful of drinking water

I try my best to bring a little magick into my daily life

So on days when I don’t feel like doing anything, drinking moon water is a great way to add that magick in without using a lot of effort

You can use moon water to make your coffee, tea, or just drink it regular

If you drink it regular, it encourages you to actually drink some water

I don’t know about you, but drinking enough water can be a struggle!

So if you can do something a little magickal and take care of your body

Then it is a win-win!

Can increase your energy

Many witches have reported that drinking moon water in the morning increased their energy for the day

Some of that may be just drinking water, but some of it likely comes from absorbing the moon’s energy that was added to the water

Just think about it

If all water has some energy that is transferred to you when you drink it

Then gaining more energy would make sense because moon water has more energy than regular water does

Can help balance hormones

Hormones control your life

It is true!

I spent years on birth control and I cannot explain the difference it has been without it

That is because birth control affects, or even blocks, hormones

Moon water can help your body balance those hormones

When hormones are balanced, we feel more energy, more sex drive, more motivation, and potentially more fertile

There have been many cases of moon water helping women get pregnant after trying for months or years

It may not be as easy to prove as medications, but the worst case is that you drank some more water!

It is great for your skin

The energy in moon water is so beautiful

Drinking it is excellent for your skin!

Your skin is greatly affected by what you drink

So drinking water in general is great for skin

But the moon’s energy gives moon water a little extra magick for your skin

It can help your mental health

Mental health  is a common struggle in today’s world

While there are a ton of factors that affect mental health, moon water may help you improve

Since a lot of mental health comes from imbalances and stress on the brain, the energy in moon water is a nice calming and balanced energy 

It may not be able to cure mental health issues, but most of us can use all the help that we can get!

It may help with your menstrual cycles

Another hormone-related issue that many women struggle with is menstrual cycles

Moon water can help regulate your menstrual cycle and can make the symptoms a little better

Once again, it isn’t a cure

But menstrual cycles are horrible

So any amount of relief can make a big difference in your life

How do you make moon water?

Making basic moon water is simple, but there are a lot of things that you can add to help you with your intention

To make moon water, You first need to wait until the day of the full moon

You need to cleanse a clear jar that has a tight lid

I like to cleanse with boiling water for this

This is when you can add any extra herbs or crystals to your water

For example, you can add some mint if you want to attract luck 

Then you add drinking water to your jar

The water won’t expand until you add more herbs or crystals last minute

So you can fill the jar all the way to the top

Close it tightly and turn it upside down so the moon isn’t getting blocked by the lid

Another optional step is using a dry-erase marker to write runes that match your intention on the outside of the jar

Hold the jar in your hands and envision what you want from it coming out of your palms and into the water

Wait for the sun to go down before putting the jar outside

If possible, put the jar in direct moonlight

It isn’t bad if you can’t, but the energy will be a little weaker

Leave the jar outside overnight and bring it back in before the sun comes back up

Store your moon water in a dark place and use it when you are ready

And that’s it!

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