The 5 Reiki Principles and How To Use Them In Your Life

Reiki is a beautiful thing to add to your life, but it is more than that

Reiki can become a huge part of the way you live your life

It isn’t just learning to use energy to heal, it is changing the way that you look at life

The 5 Reiki principles that we live by are do not worry, do not be angry, be humble, be honest, and love every living thing. These principles may seem obvious, but very few people live by them. When you add them to your life foundation, incredible things start happening. The difference is amazing

Even though the Reiki principles are simple, they are really hard to live by

But keep reading so you know what that means

Statements like “don’t be angry” can make you feel like anger is a bad emotion that you should never feel

That is not true

These statements talk about you at your core

What are the 5 Reiki principles?

The 5 Reiki principles are

  1. Just for today, do not worry
  2. Just for today, don’t be angry
  3. Just for today, be humble
  4. Just for today, be honest
  5. Just for today, love every living thing

I also like to call them “Core principles”

Because they aren’t talking about a moment, they are talking about you at your core

Who you are as a person

I have known people that are constant liars

They lie even when they don’t need to

There is a difference between that person and someone that lies sometimes when they are scared

Once is part of who the person is and the other is an action caused by an emotion

These principles are the same way

You can get angry without being an angry person

You can worry without being an anxious person

The difference is that you don’t let that action take root and become part of who you are

Just for today, do not worry

This is a really hard one for me

I was diagnosed with anxiety when I was 20 years old

It was bad

But I have taken steps and made progress that I am so proud of

But I still find myself constantly doing things because I am worried about the future

It is a good thing to plan and think ahead, but I get obsessive when I am not careful

I will think about every possible thing that could happen and create four plans for each scenario

It is a good thing to think ahead and plan for the future, but don’t get stuck there

If you spend too much time worrying about the future, you will miss what is happening now and live with anxiety

That is what anxiety is… living in the future instead of in the present

Just for today, don’t be angry

Anger is a natural and healthy emotion

And one of the most powerful

But it will eat you alive if you allow it to take root in your being

Feel the emotion, then let it go

I find that I need to feel and let go before I take action

Most actions done in anger are not the best choice

You know your situation and your life

How has reacting in anger ended in the past?

Just don’t push it away

The more you bottle it up, the bigger the explosion later

Energy cannot be created or destroyed

When your body shifts energy to anger, that anger will come out someday

Feel the emotion, validate it, and let it go

Don’t let it take root and become all that you think about

Just for today, be humble

Once again, it is not bad to be proud of yourself

Just don’t let it become part of your being

Do you know those people who feel like they are too good for everything and everyone?

That is what this principle is against

Because you cannot be kind and loving to living things that you think are below you

Even if you try, there will be energies there that are not kind

Like pity

Sympathy is good, but pity doesn’t help anyone

So look at your accomplishments with pride, but don’t start being a toxic proud person

Just for today, be honest

Just like my example above, being honest is part of your being

There are people that try always to be honest and mess up sometimes

And there are people who will lie just because they can

It isn’t the end of the world if you tell a lie, but don’t let it become something normal to you

You can tell if it is normal by how you feel after lying

When I tell I lie, I feel terrible and get sick to my stomach

That’s how I know that I have not accepted dishonestly as part of my being

Just for today, love every living thing

Something shifts when you learn Reiki

The way that you see life and all living things is just different

You see more beauty and light in the world around you

It is an amazing thing to experience

Loving every living thing looks a little different

For some, they become vegan

For others, like me, I take the time to thank the creatures that I am consuming

When we go hunting and fishing, we make a point to be respectful and thankful

And we use everything possible

Same thing when I take from my garden or forage

Give back when you can, show gratitude, and show respect

Why is the “Just for today” added?

Adding “just for today” helps people that have to change things in their life to follow these principles

It can be overwhelming

But it is less overwhelming to just focus on today

So instead of thinking of these principles and trying to think of your life

Think about today and just focus on that

It also helps Reiki practitioners stay in the present

Don’t think about the failures of yesterday or worry about tomorrow

Just think about today and think about now

How can you use them in your life?

In addition to just trying to focus on following these principles for the day, there are three other ways to use them

  1. Use them as mantras
  2. Post them around your home
  3. Go through them every morning and night

Each has their own use 

But all of them can help you stay mindful throughout your day

Use them as mantras

A mantra is a statement that you repeat to yourself often and use in your life

It becomes a part of your identity

You can use the 5 Reiki principles as mantras for your life

Tell yourself things like “I do not worry about things that are outside my control”, “I choose to let my anger go for my own health”

Whatever you want to live your life by

Create a statement, or a few, and remind yourself often of that statement until it becomes part of who you are

Post them around your home

Another fun way to remind yourself of the 5 Reiki principles is by putting them around your home

You can do this with fun posters or you can use sticky notes

Whatever works for you!

Have with this

The point of this is to see these principles many times throughout the day so your brain learns them faster

You can put them in your bedroom, bathroom, living room, or anywhere else you go several times a day

Go through them every morning and night

I like to do Reiki healings on myself, practice gratitude, and state my goals every morning and every night

Adding these principles in ‘I am’ statements is an excellent addition to that practice

For example, tell yourself “I am honest with myself and the people I love”

This is a form of affirmation

That means repeating a statement as an ‘I am’ statement to teach your brain that the statement is true and important to you

You can form the statements any way you want, but ‘I am’ statements are very powerful

Adding it to the morning sets the mood for the day

And telling yourself at night helps your brain think about it and learn it while you sleep

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