What Are The 5 Pillars of Reiki?

The 5 pillars, or principles, of Reiki, are very simple when you look at them

But they are very difficult to follow and live your life by them

They require a high level of self-awareness that most people don’t have

The 5 pillars of Reiki are also called the 5 principles of Reiki, and they are:

  1. Do not be angry
  2. Do not worry
  3. Be grateful
  4. Work diligently
  5. Be kind

Usui Sensei is the founder of his Reiki practice and he wrote:

“The secret art of inviting happiness, the miraculous medicine for all diseases. 

At least for today:

Do not be angry

Do not worry

Be grateful

Work with diligence

Be kind to every living thing

Every morning and evening, join your hands in meditation and pray with all your heart.

State in your mind and chant with your mouth.

For improvement of mind and body.

This doesn’t mean we cannot feel things like anger and worry, but we do not allow those feeling to take root and grow in our minds

If you can live by these 5 pillars, you will see how incredibly effective they are at improving all aspects of your life

Do not be angry

Anger is an important and healthy emotion to feel

We cannot pretend that we don’t have negative emotions without creating an issue that requires shadow work

To learn more about shadow work, check out my many articles on that

The point isn’t to never be angry

The point is to not allow negative energy to sink into you and take root

One way to find out if that has happened is to pay attention to how you handle being angry

When your spouse does something that makes you angry, what are you thinking about?

Are you thinking about just that one point that made you angry, or are you thinking about that time they forgot the trash too?

If you get angry and think about all the things that made you angry in the past along with the new instance, you have allowed anger to take root in your life

Do not worry

Worry comes from being afraid of the future

You don’t want to ignore someone major in your life, but being stuck in worry isn’t helping you

When you start to feel worried, acknowledge that feeling and validate it

But don’t get stuck there

Think about what you can do to prevent that worry

If there is nothing you can do, think about how you can make the impact less

Once you have figured out what you can do now, use affirmations to let go of the worry

Say something like: “I am [what you are doing] to help this situation. That is all I can do. I let go of the things I cannot control”

Most of the time, the things we worry about aren’t going to happen

It may take some practice to let that worry go

But keep trying

Once you can let it go, you can think clearly

Be grateful

Being grateful is a great way to help avoid worry

Gratitude and fear cannot live in the brain at the same time

Being grateful is a state that you exist in 

It is easy to say that you are grateful, but it is hard to live in a state of gratitude

It is acknowledging being grateful for things as simple as opening our eyes in the morning, or being grateful for an event in our lives that change our life course

Our brains pay attention to what we think is important

If we think of negative things all the time, we will see more and more negative things

If we search for things to be grateful for, we will find more and more reasons to be grateful

So make searching for ways to be grateful part of your daily life

Make a point to find at least one thing to be grateful for every day and do not end your day until your find it

Even if all you can find is being grateful for a warm bed to sleep in

The more you do this, the easier finding things will get

Once finding one thing to be grateful for gets easy, start looking for two things every day

You’ll be amazed how much brighter your life gets

Work diligently

Work diligent means showing care in one’s actions

Working diligently means caring about the work that you put our and being mindful of your work

This helps us remember not to go through the motions when doing a task

When we do anything in life, it should have our full attention, care, and focus

It can be easy to go through the motions while checking off boxes

Maybe you are doing one thing physically and doing something else in your mind

When you focus on the now, you can do a better job and remember to be proud of yourself

One of the best ways to ground yourself is to do a simple task and focus 100% on that task

We have gotten so used to living in the future that we forget to acknowledge what we have accomplished now

I am one of those people

I get so focused on the end goal that I forget to be proud of the work and effort I put in every day

The longer I do that, the more burnt out and miserable I get

Be kind to every living thing

We learn in Reiki that everything is connected

So by being kind, you raise your vibration

Raising your vibration attracts good things to do and raises your quality of life

I know it can be easy to forget that 

I know someone right now that is cruel to everyone she knows and somehow gets everything she wants

But even if she gets everything she wants, she is miserable

If we do our best to be kind to everyone, we will get priceless love and peace in our soul

This doesn’t mean being at peak compassion all the time and letting people walk all over you

Remember that you are a living thing too so you need to also be kind to yourself

You cannot be kind to yourself if you allow someone to hurt and take advantage of you

Be kind to those people, but remove them from your life if you need to

Being kind of a state of being 

And it can mean a lot of different things that are both big and small

Look for ways to be kind every day and it will become your default

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