3 Reasons You May Feel Tired After Reiki

One of the things you may feel after Reiki is just being tired

There are a few reasons you may feel tired after Reiki, but these are the most common:

  1. You are using your own energy
  2. You are not grounding and releasing
  3. You are healing

If you are receiving Reiki, then it is most likely the third reason

If you are learning Reiki, then all three may be possible, or a mix of more than one

You are using your own energy

One of the major things that go wrong when practicing Reiki as a beginner is using your own energy to do your sessions

When we heal others, we should be connecting to the source energy and using that

If you use your own energy, you will feel depleted very quickly

You are just the path from the source energy to whoever you are attuning

If you are attuning yourself, taking your energy and giving it back doesn’t help a lot

So if you feel tired a lot after your sessions, think about what you are doing

The first thing you should be doing is visualizing the source energy wrapping around you and connecting with you

The way you visualize may be different than most, but it still needs to be done

I visualize a white light waterfall rushing over me before wrapping around me

Then everything else disappears and all I can see is that light holding me

Then I can visualize the light coming from my hands

But connecting to the source energy is a very important first step

You are not grounding and releasing

Another reason you may feel tired after Reiki is because you are not grounded before you start or you are not released at the end

Grounding helps clear you of all the energies that don’t serve you and keeps you stable

I don’t do Reiki while I am extremely stressed unless I take time to meditate and ground myself first

Intentions also need to be very specific when you are practicing Reiki, but letting go of that specific image at the end is important

If you focus too hard on one specific outcome, you will not be open to any other outcomes that you are offered even if they are better

By releasing expectations at the end, you are opening yourself to more outcomes

You have asked for the outcome that you desire, now let it go so you can clearly see the answer

You are healing

The last reason is a very common reason for both practitioners and recipients

When you are sick, what happens?

Your body is working overtime to heal you

And that takes a lot of energy!

Since your body is working so hard, you get very tired

When my family got the flu recently, my kids slept for 2 or 3 days straight

They barely did anything else

You may be tired for the same reason

Reiki doesn’t heal you

Reiki gives your body the energy and tools to heal itself

It works this way with herbs as well

That means that your body is working hard to heal itself after it is given the tools by the Reiki session

Just like when you are tired from fighting illness, you are tired from healing what you went to Reiki for

Give yourself grace and time

I also recommend doing more sessions if you expect this is the reason for your tiredness

By giving yourself or getting a session once or twice a day for a while, you are continuing to make sure your body has everything that it needs to heal itself

Depending on how much there is to heal, your body may need more direction and more energy to get it all done

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