15 Most Powerful Healing Herbs and How To Use Them

I am not a doctor and nothing here is medical advice

There are many, many healing herbs

And making a list of the best healing herbs is hard because “healing” is such a broad term

Healing from what?

So I focused on the most common issues that we need help healing and herbs that do a variety of things for your body

15 powerful healing herbs to use are:

  1. Oregano
  2. Arnica flowers
  3. Chamomile Flowers
  4. Lemon Balm
  5. Tumeric
  6. Aloe Vera
  7. Basil
  8. Dandelion Root
  9. Marigolds
  10. Olive Leaf
  11. Parsley
  12. Slippery Elm
  13. St. John’s Wort
  14. Vanilla Extract
  15. Yarrow

This is not a complete list!

There are many more herbs that are excellent healers

But there are more common and easy to get as a beginner


Oregano is one of my favorite herbs for healing

I have used it to fight colds and flu, help my psoriasis, heal closed skin injuries, and more

It is super easy to grow, prepare, and use

Used for

Oregano can be used for many different remedies

Oregano oil is a natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and anti fungal agent

It helps your body regulate, lose weight, and lower cholesterol

Oregano can also reduce your chances of getting sicknesses and diseases

Preparation and foraging

I don’t forage Oregano in my area, but it grows very nicely

I have two pots with Oregano plants in them and they are doing amazing

Oregano can be used in cooking, but it isn’t as potent

So using it that way is better for prevention instead for healing

My favorite way to prepare Oregano is by making Oregano Oil

In a jar, put equal parts of dried Oregano and Olive oil

Mis until fully saturated and add more oil in you need to

Gently close the jar and shake it every day for 4-6 weeks

Once the time is done, use a cheesecloth or strainer to remove the Oregano from the oil

Store in a cool dark place

Even better if you can put it in a tinted jar or container

Make sure to label it with the name and date

Olive oil lasts a max of a year before getting rancid so knowing how old it is can be important


Oregano should not be taken in large dosages

Too much Oregano can be toxic 

You should not be taking Oregano more than 10 days in a row and more than 16 drops a day

Oregano also should not be taken with any medications that slow blood clotting

Taking Oregano is a blood thinner so be careful if you have a bleeding disorder

Also, make sure to stop taking it at least 2 weeks before any surgery

Oregano oil shouldn’t be taken by children or anyone pregnant

It can also affect blood sugar levels in people with diabetes

Arnica flowers

Arnica flowers are daisy-like flowers that is great for healing small injuries

Arnica flowers are great for sports injuries

It is well known for its amazing anti-inflammatory properties and works great as a cream or balm

Used for

Arnica Flowers are used for many conditions including bruises, scraps, muscle aches, wound healing, joint pain, insect bites, and swelling

There is some evidence that Arnica flowers help with burns as well

Preparation and foraging

Foraging Arnica flowers starts in early spring and continues to the end of fall

Make sure you don’t overharvest so the plant doesn’t struggle since you can harvest both flowers and leaves

They grow in zones 4-9

Arnica flowers can be taken orally or used on the skin

But it is rarely used orally because an overdose can be fatal

I like to make palms and creams

The first thing you do for that infuses the oil with the Arnica flowers

You follow the same process as Oregano Oil (but you can change the oil you want to use)

Then you make the cream or balm as normal


Just like most plants, Arnica flowers can be poisonous if taking in very large amounts

If you take them orally, make sure to do it under the supervision of a doctor that knows herbal medicine

Taking too much can be fatal so make sure that you are on the right dosage

Making creams and balms is the safest way to take Arnica flowers

Chamomile Flowers

If you like tea then you probably recognize this one!

Chamomile is often used to help with sleep

But it has many more benefits too!

Used for

Chamomile is one of my favorite herbs to keep on hand

It can be used for sleep, digestive relaxant, diarrhea, anorexia, morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, gas pain, indigestion, colic, fever, depression, avoiding cancer, colds, anxiety, hemorrhoids, and boosting immunity

As you can see, Chamomile does a lot!

Preparation and foraging

Chamomile is an easier plant to forage

It is best to forage in the morning when the dew is still sitting on the plants

Chamomile grows in zones 3-9

Once you have the flowers, you can use them in teas or make capsule supplements

They are edible so you can cook with them as well, but cooking reduces the benefits


Most experts say that Chamomile is safe

It does cause drowsiness and can cause vomiting if taken in very large amounts

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm is a very relaxing and calming herb

While it can be taken every day, it is recommended to avoid doing that for more than 6 months

It is excellent in many different forms and could be a great way to heal

Used for

Lemon Balm is best known for being relaxing and helping with stress, anxiety, sleep, and pain from digestion

But it can also be used for cold sores, releasing the tension, sore muscles, dementia, attention, and lifting mood

Preparation and foraging

Lemon balm is more often grown instead of foraged because it is an easier plant to grow

Keep in mind that it grows fast and spreads fast

It is in the mint family so it will take over a garden if you let it

So it is recommended to keep it in a pot to contain it

Lemon balm grows in zones 4-10

Preparation depends on what you want

If you want to use it for digestion, mood, or as a calming agent then you will need to take it as a supplement or a tincture

If you want to use it for cold sore and sore muscles, then you need to make an oil or a cream the same way as normal


Lemon balm is generally a safe herb but should not be taken with some prescription medications

For example, thyroid medications can react negatively with Lemon Balm

Side effects are mild if you get any and usually involved increased appetite, nausea, dizziness, or wheezing

But it is very uncommon to get bad side effects

Pregnant or breastfeeding people should not be taking lemon balm because of the interactions with medications


Turmeric is considered a superfood and an extremely healing herb

It is amazing what this plant can do for you if you know how to use it

Used for

Turmeric is often used for skin disorders, joints, and the digestive system

It can help with conditions like arthritis, digestive disorders, respiratory infections, allergies, liver disease, depression, cancer prevention, Alzheimer’s, heart disorders, and more

It can do a little of everything!

Preparation and foraging

Turmeric is another plant that is often grown instead of foraged

The part that you use is the root so make sure to safe seeds to keep your supply going

The possibilities for using Turmeric are endless!

You can make supplements, teas, and lotions as I have already talked about with other herbs

But you can also cook with it or make drinks with it

Let your creativity go wild and make what makes sense for what you want to use to treat


Turmeric is known for making gallbladder issues worse and may slow blood clotting

Some people have reported getting stomach issues like ulcers by taking Turmeric every day for a long period of time

Turmeric is also known for making aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Tylenol less effective

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a plant that is well known for healing sunburns but there are so many more benefits

It can be prepared in many forms and help with many different conditions and just feels amazing when used

Used for

Aloe Vera can be used for many things and is definitely a favorite herb of mine

It can be used as an antioxidant, antibacterial, dental plaque reducer, wound healer, canker sore treatment, reducing constipation, improvement and prevent wrinkles, lowers blood sugar, psoriasis aid, gum infections, arthritis reducer, and more

The possibilities for this plant are incredible!

Preparation and foraging

Foraging is pretty easy in desert zones as long as you know where they are in your area

I prefer to grow them because I love their look and I love having fresh Aloe Vera ready when I need it

When you want to harvest it, just cut a stem off and use it how you need it

Usually, Aloe Vera will be used on the skin (unless you have constipation)

So you can use it how it is by blending it for easier use

Or you can make creams or soap from it


The biggest warning is don’t use it for more than a day or two as a constipation aid

Using it too much can cause liver failure

Only take Aloe vera orally if you talk to a doctor that understands herbs and natural healing


Basil is one of my favorite herbs to cook with

I love using basil in my sauces like spaghetti sauce

But like many other herbs, Basil has great benefits as well

Used for

Basil is an herb that can help with skin health, boost digestion, and detoxify the body

It also prevents a lot of conditions like heart issues, cancer, diabetes, and more

Basil is a great source of vitamins to keep you feeling great every day

Preparation and foraging

Wild Basil grows in zones 10 and 11 but grows annually in other zones

This means they go through the entire lifespan in 1 year

It is important not to over forage annuals so they don’t disappear 

Once you have gotten your basil, clean it and prepare depending on your goals

You can look with it, make tea, make creams, make tinctures, or anything else that helps your healing goals


Basil as a raw capsule medication is safe short term but should be used every day for a long time

There is a chance that it can affect liver function during long-time use

It also affects blood sugar levels so watch that if you are using it for diabetes

Dandelion Root

I love using Dandelion root

I made a tincture and I add a little to my husband’s tea in the morning

He has a family history of heart issues like stroke so it makes me feel better to have a prevention

You can also make coffee from it instead of drinking normal coffee

Used for

There are so many amazing benefits of Dandelion root

It can help with digestion, liver health, help with skin and eye problems, regulate blood sugar, regulate blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, aid weight loss, provide antioxidants, and lower the risk of heart disease.

Preparation and foraging

The entire Dandelion plant is edible but it does different things

The best time to forage Dandelion root is in the fall when the flowers are gone

This is because all the nutrients that the plant was producing in the flowers go back to the roots for winter

Make sure to cook the leaves and stems after you harvest the root!

Once you have the roots, dry them in the sun or dehydrator

If you want to make coffee, roast them in a 350-degree oven for 10-15 minutes (make sure to flip them halfway through)

They will darken in color but don’t let them burn

Then you grind them just like coffee beans

If you want to use it for other things, you can make tinctures, capsules, creams, or cook with it


People with kidney, liver, and gallbladder issues should talk to a doctor before taking Dandelion root

Also, don’t take it if you are on a blood thinner

You can take it or drink it every day but don’t use super large amounts

This can cause bowel issues


Marigolds are a plant that I don’t use often but I should

It does so many things!

Used for

Marigolds support skin health, are an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, reduced eye infections, protect against UV damage, and soothe the mucus membranes.

The possibilities for skin health alone are huge!

This includes bruises, varicose veins, sunburns, eczema, and minor injuries to the skin

Preparation and foraging

Marigolds cannot live in areas that go under 40 degrees

It is possible to grow them annually, so it depends on what is in your area

Once you have gotten your Marigolds from foraging or buying them, you can create many things

You can make a tincture, infused oil, cream, or a homemade sunscreen


Marigold is mainly used for the skin so don’t take it orally unless you are cooking

It can cause a lot of digestive issues like stomach ache, bladder irritation, kidney irritation, and intestines irritation

It is a culinary herb so cooking with it is considered safe

Olive Leaf

Olive leaves are excellent anti-inflammatories and antioxidants

Most people think of the fruit when they think of Olives, but we shouldn’t ignore the amazing benefits of topically using olive leaves

Used for

Creams and extracts made from olive leaves are great for infections, inflammation, and hypertension

You can also use them for diabetes, support weight loss, and reduce constipation

Preparation and foraging

Foraging or growing leaves varies a lot

There are many different types of olive trees

Do some research in your specific area to find out what kinds grow near you

Once you have the leaves, you can make a salve by infusing the olive leaves into oil and then combining with beeswax

Or you can make tinctures or supplements

There are a few options that depend on what you want to use your olive leaves to heal


If you are on blood pressure medication, you shouldn’t be taking olive leaves

They lower blood pressure and can negatively interact with your medication

There are reports of people getting headaches or stomach aches after taking olive leaves


If you do any cooking, you have probably heard of Parsley!

It is one of my favorite herbs for the kitchen

But it also has some great health benefits!

Used for

Parsley is rich in vitamins that help you feel good

But it is also helpful for blood sugar, bloating, heart health, kidneys, flushing toxins, anemia, fighting breast cancer, brain health, and bone health

The range that this herb has is incredible!

Preparation and foraging

Foraging parsley is pretty easy in most areas but make sure you do research

Hemlock looks a lot like parsley and is very poisonous

Never eat something that you are not 100% sure of and have done a ton of research 

Once you have your parsley, preparation is just like most of the other herbs on this list

You can add it to capsules to make supplements

I use parsley leaf in my digestion aid supplements

You can make infusions and tinctures but be very careful not to take too much


Parsley is a safe herb but should not be taken in very large amounts as medicine

There isn’t a lot of research but you could have anemia, liver, or kidney problems if you take a large amount for a long time

Slippery Elm

Slippery Elm is another herb that I include in my digestion aid supplements

It has so many benefits that it can be used for many different things!

Used for

Slippery Elm can help with wounds, boils, ulcers, burns, and skin inflammation

It can also help with coughs, digestion, sore throat, diarrhea, and stomach pain

Preparation and foraging

Foraging slippery elm is a little different because it is the bark of a tree

It is best to harvest in the spring because the sap is rushing up from the roots to the newly forming buds which makes the bark even better for you

The most common way to take slippery elm is by grinding it into a powder and putting it in capsules


There isn’t a lot of research on whether it is good for long-time use

The herbalists I talk to tell me that there is no danger as long as you take the appropriate amount

It is also not recommended to take while pregnant

St. John’s Wort

St.John’s Wort is a very popular healing herb

Unlike most of the other herbs I listed, St. John’s Wort helps heal the invisible things in your life

Used for

St. John’s Wort helps with a variety of things like depression, ADHD, extreme anxiety, and OCD

In addition, it is also an antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory

Preparation and foraging

Foraging St. John’s Wort is pretty easy in most areas

Just make sure you don’t forage next to roads

You don’t want to use plants that have pesticides on them

Preparation is mainly going to be supplements and cooking, but you can make a cream or oil if using for inflammation


St. John’s Wort should not be taken with thyroid medication

It may have very negative reactions, cause liver issues, and high blood pressure

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract is used a lot in the kitchen

It is used even more if you bake!

But there are a lot of benefits to consuming vanilla extract

Used for

Smelling vanilla can have a very calming effect on adults and help them sleep

It is also good for your heart, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, benefits the brain, reduces sugar cravings, antibacterial, rich in vitamins, and improves mental health

Preparation and foraging

Foraging vanilla is hard is may areas but you can turn vanilla beans into vanilla extract at home

Start my cutting open a handful of vanilla beans long ways

Don’t cut in half

We just want to open the beans

Add to a glass jar or bottle and then fill the jar with vodka

Close the jar or bottle and keep it in a cool dark place for 12 months

Once you have left it alone for 12 months, the beans can be removed and you have vanilla extract

Once you have the extract, you can use it mainly in cooking but can also use it like a tincture


The main warning for vanilla extract is to make sure that you are not allergic before using it


Last one on this list is Yarrow

This is a popular tea with amazing benefits

Used for

Yarrow can be used for enhanced wound healing, digestive aid, depression, anxiety, brain health, and inflammation

It is also used for IBS, hemmeroids, menstrual pain, colds and the flu, hay fever, and a minor sleep aid

Preparation and foraging

Yarrow can be found in North America, Europe, and Asia

It grows in open and sunny areas

Once you have your yarrow, preparation depends on your goal

Teas are an amazing choice for yarrow but you can make creams, oils, tinctures, and supplements as well


Not much is known about Yarrow warnings right now

The main one is to not take too much

Pregnant people should also not be taking yarrow

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