11 Uses For Moon Water In Spells And Everyday Life

Moon water is an excellent resource to keep available in your home

There are so many uses and it is easy to make even if you are a beginner witch

It makes a great container for many intentions, but I really love it for cleansing and calming my home

11 uses for your moon water are:

  1. Drinking it
  2. Making air freshener
  3. Making a cleaner
  4. Making soap
  5. Watering plants
  6. Giving it to pets
  7. Adding to spell jars
  8. Painting
  9. Charge crystals
  10. Baths
  11. Deity offering

If you don’t know how to make moon water, check out this article

There are more uses for moon water, but these are some of my favorites!

Drinking it

The most obvious use for moon water is to drink it

Make sure that  you make your moon water with drinking water if you want to drink it

But there are a lot of benefits to drinking water including:

  • A calming affect
  • Regulating hormones
  • Improving menstrual cycles
  • Increasing water intake
  • And more

If you want to know more about the benefits of drinking water, check out this article

Making air freshener

I like to make as many things in my home as possible

That way I know what I am allowing in my home and it saves us a lot of money

One of the things I make is air freshener!

It has a light lavender smell but also removes the stink from the air

One of the main ingredients of air freshener is… water!

So instead of using regular water, I use moon water

That way I am adding more magick to my daily activities

Moon water calms my home and cleanses it

So not only am I cleaning the smell of my air, I am cleansing negative energy as well

To make my air freshener, you need:

  • 2 cups of moon water
  • 4 tbsp baking soda
  • 2 tbsp white vinegar
  • 2 dropper fulls of lavender hydrosol (or scent of choice)

Add the baking soda and vinegar to a spray bottle and wait for the reaction to stop

Then add moon water and lavender

Shake well to combine

Store in a cool dark place 

Lightly spray in the air where you want to freshen up

Making a cleaner

Another thing I make for my home is a cleaner

Yes, I use things like bleach if needed

But I avoid it unless it is really needed

To make my all-purpose cleaner, you’ll need the following:

  • 1 cup of moon water
  • 1 cup of white vinegar
  • 2 tbsp rubbing alcohol
  • 20 of lemon or orange essential oil
  • 20 drops of tea tree essential oil

Mix all ingredients together in a spray bottle

Making soap

There are two ways of making soap

I like to use cold process so I have more control over ingredients and so I can use moon water

When making soap, you need to decide what kind of soap you will use

I make my shampoo and our dish soap

Sticking with cleaning, I will share my dish soap recipe

Make sure to wear gloves and eye protection!

To make dish soap, you will need:

  • 3.2 oz caster oil
  • 28.8 oz refines coconut oil
  • 8.5 oz filtered moon water
  • 5.6oz lye
  • 2 tbsp citric acid
  • 2 oz lime juice
  • .8 oz orange essential oil
  • Heat proof containers
  • Soap molds
  • Glass measuring cup
  • An immersion blender (don’t use it for food after)
  • Double broiler

Start by mixing the moon water and lye in a heat-proof container

It will get hot!

Mix until dissolved and put aside (This is toxic so keep out of reach of children and animals)

Add solid oil to double broiler and melt

Add citric acid and caster oil

Turn off the heat and allow it to cool to 100 degrees Fahrenheit (lye and oil should be close in temperature)

Add lye to oils ( never the other way around!)

Use an immersion blender to mix well

You are waiting for the texture to change

When you lift the blender and a drop sits on top of the mixture instead of mixing, it’s ready

Add essential oil  and lime juice and mix until combined

Pour soap into molds and allow to dry for 24 hours

Remove from molds and let dry for 4 weeks

Do your research before making your own soap for your own safety!

Watering plants

Just like drinking moon water, moon water is great for watering your plants as well!

It has a such beautiful energy that will give a lot of love to your plants

I like to add oats and a couple of tea bags to my moon water for 24 hours

The strain the tea and oats out of the water before giving it to your plants once a month

It is a great fertilizer that gives your plants some amazing nutrients!

Giving it to pets

Of course, you can also give moon water to your pets for the same reason it is great for plants and for you

Just add the moon water to their water bowel and love on them for a while

You can also add moon water to your dog’s dry food to make it wet food

My dogs always enjoy that!

Adding to spell jars

I love making spell jars

You can use moon water to cleanse, but you can also use it in the jar

Just make sure that you boil the jar first to make sure there aren’t any germs in there that can grow later

Add the moon water to the cleansed jar with a few other herbs and water safe crystals

Make sure there is some air so the jar contents can move

Then super glue the top on and finish with wax

And you have a spell jar!

Use the ingredients that match your intentions


I have seen witches use moon water in their water painting and I love the idea!

It is a beautiful way to add magick to everyday activities

You can also add runes and color magick to the painting, but that isn’t requires

Charge crystals

I love my crystals and I try to charge them once a month

You can use salt to cleanse them every day or the moon to charge them once a month

But you can also use moon water throughout the month to charge your crystals

Please make sure you research every crystal before adding them to water to make sure they are water safe

Some crystals will dissolve and ruin!


Ritual baths are a wonderful way to do elemental rituals

And they are so relaxing!

You can upgrade your baths by adding moon water to your bathwater

Relax and enjoy to comfort and calmness of the water

Deity offering

If you do deity work, then offering your deity moon water may be a great idea!

Make sure you do research to see if moon water is something that they enjoy

But putting the moon water in a pretty jar or bottle before offering it at your alter is a great use for your moon water

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