11 Herbs For Good Luck And Prosperity

Herbs for good luck

When making spells, choosing ingredients is important

Think about the herbs and crystals like containers

Each one holds either something specific or a variety of energies

While crystals work in a similar way, I will be focusing on herbs in this article

11 amazing herbs that attract good luck and prosperity are:

  1. Cinnamon 
  2. Thyme
  3. Basil
  4. Cloves
  5. Rosemary
  6. Catnip
  7. Any mint
  8. Eggshells
  9. Nutmeg
  10. Patchouli
  11. Bay leaves

You do not need all of them for any spell

Choose the best fit and the one that feels right

I usually add 1-3 herbs to my spells but you have the freedom to choose your own normal

I like to make my choices based on what I have available, what I like the look of, and what feels right


Cinnamon can be in the stick form or the powder form

I use each for their own purposes

For example, the cinnamon spell at the beginning of every month

Most witches use the powder, but it isn’t very safe for my animals

So I hang a cinnamon stick in my doorway

If I am making a spell jar, I will use the one that fits best

Powder for the spell necklaces and the sticks (or even both) for the large jars and bowls

I love using cinnamon in my simmer pots too because it smells so nice!

Cinnamon is excellent for any prosperity spell

It attracts what you want when you add your intention to it


Thyme is more specific to money prosperity

Which is often what we have in mind

I don’t use this one often because I don’t cook with it

But it is still a very effective choice!

You can add thyme to your spells, or you can add it to your garden

As the thyme grows, so does the prosperity


Basil is a great choice for wealth, luck, and prosperity

It is said that Lakshmi, the goddess of good fortune, was turned into a basil plant

She could turn back at will, but not before basil was filled with her essence

Giving it the ability to attract prosperity

Basil is a great money spall ingredient that can be used in tea, jars, bowls, or cleaning materials

Boiling your cleaning water with basil and then mopping the floor is great for cleansing negative energy and attracting prosperity

If you have to clean your house anyways, why not add a little good luck and magick?


Cloves are also a bringer of good luck, but not the same as most the others

Cloves are great for bringing luck during games like gambling

They can also be burned to attract money-related luck to you

Cloves are antibacterial so you can add them to your cleaning supplies to attract more luck to your household

They are also great for friendship charms and stopping others from gossiping about you


Rosemary is a fun-looking herb that I love using in jars

I use it regularly in my manifestation necklaces

Rosemary is thought to bring good luck and take away nightmares when you sleep with it near

I also use Rosemary for my air fresheners

It spells great, disinfects the air, restores memory, elevates your mood, and attracts prosperity

This herb is well-rounded to help you in your daily life!


Catnip is known for its effects on cats, but it is also great for prosperity and luck spells!

It is known for attracting good spirits and positive luck

It also repels insect from your garden and negative energy from your life

Just be careful how you store and use it if you have cats!

If you have ever seen a cat on catnip, you would want to be careful how much your cats get

Any mint

Peppermint is the most popular mint for attracting luck but every mint works well

I like to use spearmint and peppermint in my simmerpots

They help with nausea and attract good luck to my home

But you can make tea, use it in spells, and more

While it is mostly used for money propoerity, you can add your intention for any luck that you want to bring your way


Eggshells don’t really attract luck and prosperity, but they do protect you from the opposite

I think that is just as important

Some say that it can attract luck, so it doesn’t hurt to add that to your intention just in case!

Eggshells are really good for healing and nurturing as well

So if you are asking for luck as you begin a new project, eggshells may be a great choice

You don’t have to buy these

If you eat eggs, you can make your own

After you crack your egg, clean the shells

There is a thin white membrane on the inside of the shells

Peal that off and throw it away

Then either dehydrate or leave the shells out to fully dry

Once they are dry, grind them into a powder

I have an herb grinder and a porter and pestle for this

And that’s it!

Your eggshells are ready to be used


I love the smell of nutmeg

But it is also called “the gambler’s herb” because they are easy to add to your pocket to attract good luck

You can add the whole nutmeg in your pockets or add the powder to your shoes

But that isn’t the only thing it can do

Carrying nutmeg with you can increase luck at court, keep you safe while traveling, or attract money through money spells

Patchouli root

Patchouli root is an herb that brings good luck that I haven’t used yet

But I have heard great things

You can add patchouli essential oil to your baths or use it like every other herb in your spells

Keep in mind that the patchouli root is connected to the god of hard work, Saturn

So don’t expect it to help you without you putting in your fair share of effort

Bay leaves

Bay leaves are one of my favorites for property spells

I do a variety, including 5 minutes spells during a busy day

Write your intention on the leaves

They can be whole leaves or broken

Then you can add the leaves to your jars, bowls, or burn them

A great 5-minute spell is to write your intention, burn the leave, and then blow it outside with more intention

It is fast but still effective

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