100 Shadow Work Prompts For Self-Awareness and Healing

Shadow work is one of the new things that I believe every person should do

While it is commonly discussed in the witch community, it isn’t just for witches

Shadow work can help anyone

It is the process of digging into your subconscious to learn more about yourself and heal the things that need healing

There are so many parts of you that you don’t even know are there

Shadow work helps you get to know yourself deeper

You can do shadow work through regular journaling, but I prefer using prompts to get the words going

If you want to learn more about shadow work, I have many articles that can help!

Here are 100 shadow work prompts to get you going!

  1. What makes you feel unappreciated? How did that start?
  2. What is one thing that made you feel wronged as a child? How does it affect you now?
  3. Who is someone that betrayed you? Write a letter to that person.
  4. What is one trait that you see others have that you wish you had?
  5. What emotion do you avoid feeling or have negative beliefs around? Why did that start?
  6. What do you do that you know is wrong but you still do it repeatedly? Write about how this cycle started and how it repeats
  7. Write one word that describes your childhood. Write some memories that make you feel that way.
  8. What is something that makes you very angry? Why does that make you feel so angry?
  9. What areas of your life are you playing small or holding back? Why?
  10. When do you feel judged by others? Is it possible that you are actually judging yourself?
  11. What positives or negatives in your life are you struggling to accept? Why?
  12. What emotions do you hide from others? When did you start hiding them? Why?
  13. Think about a period of life when you were at your worst. Write a love letter to that version of you
  14. What are the triggers that cause you to get angry fast or defensive in the presence of others?
  15. What qualities of your family do you most dislike or have trouble dealing with? What does that reveal about you?
  16. What areas of life do you expect others to agree with your beliefs? What scares you most about others not believing the same as you?
  17. When are you most critical of yourself? What does your self-talk sound like?
  18. Write about five things that you love and appreciate about yourself
  19. Have you forgiven every one that has hurt you? Explore this.
  20. What are you most afraid of? How does that fear creep into your life?
  21. What is something that you haven’t forgiven yourself for? Why? Can you forgive yourself now?
  22. What is something you have an unhealthy attachment to? What fear do you have of ending that attachment?
  23. What grudge are you holding on to? How can you let this weight go?
  24. How do you manage stress in your life? Do you deal with it in a healthy or unhealthy way? How can you fix the unhealthy?
  25. What are your toxic traits? How do you project those onto others?
  26. What is a toxic trait you have seen in your parents? What happened to make you see that?
  27. What aspects of yourself would you like to improve? Why?
  28. What is the biggest lie you have ever told yourself? Why?
  29. What would you tell your teenage self if you could talk to them?
  30. What would you tell your child self if you could talk to them?
  31. What do you need to hear right now to feel peace?
  32. What is one thing you wish others know about you?
  33. What is your biggest flaw? What is your biggest strength?
  34. Where do you feel safest? How do you comfort yourself?
  35. What is getting in the way of living the life you want? How are you holding yourself back?
  36. In what ways are you not authentic? Why?
  37. Have you ever hurt someone badly without meaning to? Could you’ve been kinder to them?
  38. What are your bad habits? Why don’t you break them?  How can you break or replace them?
  39. In what areas are you hypocritical? Do you break your own rules?
  40. If you could get rid of one memory, what would it be? How would you be affected if that memory was gone?
  41. Is it easy or hard for you to ask for help? Why?
  42. How would you like to be seen by the people closest to you?
  43. Who is your closest friend? Why them?
  44. If you could redo one day in your life, what day would it be and why?
  45. How do you deal with emotional discomfort? What is your outlet? Is it healthy or unhealthy?
  46. How do you feel judged every day? How much of their judgment is real and how much do you think is imagination?
  47. What do you hate about yourself and why?
  48. How do you feel about the idea of love? Why?
  49. In what ways are you privileged? How often do you take things for granted?
  50. Have you ever made a promise to yourself and then broken it? Why?
  51. When did you lose my innocence as a child and how have you treated yourself since?
  52. Who has hurt you most in my life? What can you do to forgive them?
  53. Meditate and ask your inner child if they have any feelings they want to share and write them down
  54. What is your definition of love? Do you treat yourself that way?
  55. What are your unhealthy habits and how can you make them healthy?
  56. What do you struggle with the most and how can you work through it?
  57. What part of your future are you most afraid of?
  58. How do you handle anger? Is it healthy? What can you do to improve?
  59. What are the negative traits that you don’t like about yourself? Should you fix them? Why or why not?
  60. What are things that easily trigger you? Why do you think they affect you that way?
  61. If you die tomorrow, do you feel like you have lived a fulfilling life? What could you change to make that a yes?
  62. If your child or someone that you loved dearly treated themselves the way I treat you treat yourself, would you be proud or concerned? Write about that
  63. What is your ultimate dream in life? What steps can you take toward that dream?
  64. List 10 things that you love about yourself
  65. What is an embarrassing moment of your life that you can laugh about now?
  66. What are some new hobbies that you want to try? List one that you will start with and what you need to do to get started next week
  67. How would you describe yourself to a stranger? Is it a good description? If not, try again.
  68. What are 3 excuses that you often make?
  69. What makes you feel most at ease?
  70. What would it feel like to fully accept yourself? Meditate and write everything that you can.
  71. What can you do today that will make you love yourself more?
  72. How can you make more time for the things that you love?
  73. What are some things that you love about this time in your life?
  74. How would you like to grow and improve in the next year?
  75. How does being grateful make you feel? Write 5 things that you are grateful for
  76. What do you like most about your job, school, and/or home?
  77. What is a hidden blessing in a difficult time that you have had?
  78. What is one beautiful thing that you have seen today?
  79. What has made you smile or laugh today?
  80. What cheers you up when you have a hard day?
  81. Write about something or someone that makes your day a little better
  82. How can you remove the way you talk to yourself and become more confident?
  83. What is a characteristic that makes you unique?
  84. What needs to heal in your life right now?
  85. What has made you a stronger person?
  86. Write a letter to yourself as a child. Tell yourself everything that you needed to hear.
  87. Write a letter to yourself now and accept yourself for who you are.
  88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? Are you happy with that thought?
  89. Are you pushing yourself to your max potential?
  90. Are you caring for yourself so you can reach your potential?
  91. How can you develop more motivation and passion in your life?
  92. If you can think of one thing you want to do for the rest of your life, what would it be? How can you turn that passion into your job?
  93. What do you need to start saying “yes” to?
  94. What do you need to start saying “no” to?
  95. Do you take care of your physical, mental, and emotional needs? What can you do to improve that?
  96. What is something that you will never forget?
  97. What is your favorite book or movie of all time? Why?
  98. Write down your bucket list. What is something that you can do soon? Write your plan to do it!
  99. Do you care about what other people think of you? Why?
  100. What do you want to accomplish today and tomorrow?

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